One Of Our Three Core Principles:
Simple Retirement Strategy
Keep It Simple
Create a Simple Retirement Strategy
It may seem nearly impossible to come up with a clear-cut and simple retirement strategy with all of the choices that need to be made and important factors to consider. What will you do with your money? Where can you keep it for the long term? Are you aware of all the costs and risks associated with your current accounts? And, what would happen to your money in the event of another stock market crash? Thankfully, there is hope. There are options you can use to hopefully give you more confidence and certainty in your retirement strategy.
Simple is (Often) Better
As retirement draws closer, you may start to worry about if your retirement strategy is actually right for you. It’s our opinion that one of the worst things you can have is a strategy that makes you continually worry about whether it’s still working and what could go wrong. Generally speaking, we think it’s best if your retirement strategy is more straightforward. Are you really retired if all of your time in retirement is spent fretting about your money? We don’t think so.
There may be some options you haven’t considered or haven’t even heard of that can serve as an integral part of a simple retirement strategy. For example, fixed index annuities (FIAs) and some types of life insurance policies. These products can offer simplicity, protection*, and reasonable rates of return** over time.
Simple Retirement Strategy
As retirement approaches, a lot of people will review their accounts again. Your financial plan’s stability will determine how you live in the future. So, like a lot of retirees, you may be stressed about this. Please give us a call if you have any questions–We make every effort to ensure that you understand your retirement options completely. We believe that the ideal retirement strategy for you is one that you fully understand.
Interested in learning more about simple retirement options? Reach out to us to schedule a one-on-one meeting, or attend one of our educational dinner seminar presentations. We look forward to meeting you.